Improving your personal finances by better understanding the roadblocks to saving and investing. The author offers practical methods to overcome financial barriers as part of his Integrated Wealth Theory,™ which combines insights from experts in seemingly different disciplines including neurology, psychology, theology, philosophy, political science, and finance.
Stop Overspending and the Integrated Wealth Theory™ will help you take control and get on a path toward financial freedom.
This book will take the reader through the author’s life story while building a framework to better save and invest money. Key topics include:
• Politics and money
• Brain biology and spending
• The findings of Behavioral Finance
• Investing and money management tips
• Mindful awareness and its role in personal finance
• Philosophers and great thinkers on money and happiness
Buğra Bakan is an independent financial advisor with over 20 years of experience in the field of financial services with a Masters Degree in Finance, and a Certified Financial Planner™ designation. He is currently a Managing Partner at Occidental Asset Management LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
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